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  • Writer's pictureAmbra Mattioli

Ambra Mattioli. "Black Star": my new novel interview.

Updated: Jan 21, 2022

I publish my novel “Black Star” in the first days of March 2020. The Covid “lockdown” period would begin shortly thereafter. The initiatives I had in mind to present my novel to readers have been set aside. I conceived to connect to the presentation of the novel the "Storytelling" Voice and Piano acoustic session, with which Francesco Infarinato and I accompany the audience on “a journey with David Bowie between songs and poetry”: to tell a connection no longer just ideal with my narration. Unfortunately, only first event on March 7 at the Odradek bookshop in Pomezia was possible: due to the covid emergency we had to postpone all other scheduled initiatives. In the city of Orte, for example, we should have participated in the celebrations in memory of Father Geremia Subiaco, the builder Friar, a character in my novel really existed. During the research in the places where I set the initial part of my story, I met people who still have a rather vivid memory of his figure and I feel the interest of such inhabitants of the city. I met the journalist Stefano Stefanini, who invited me to the TV studios of “Tele Radio Orte” for a live interview, on June 6 in the show "Facts and comments". Here is the link to the video published by the broadcaster on its YouTube® channel:

Stefano also writes a nice article, which he publish on “” on June 12. Here is the link to the magazine:

This period, so conditioned by the Covid Pandemic, is not certainly the best for presentation events of my novel in presence of an audience, but I want to be positive and proactive. Therefore, during lockdown I read live on Facebook every week, some pages of the novel, to introduce my "Black Star" to people who follow me as a musician.

I am also happy to thank the literary critic Stefano Pioli, who on June 27 publish an article on “” commenting on some of the main parts of my novel:

Little things. Nothing so important. However, patience, perseverance, commitment in keeping occupied the mind and taking care of affections and relationships, even in this period of absence of real contact and hugs, can help to overcome the moment and keep alive the interest and attention to everyday life. In short: courage! move on, keeping in mind who we are. It will pass! as it always is with the passage of time among the ever-changing Universes.

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