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Gay Village, a Roman Summer. Ambra Mattioli and Aladdin Insane David Bowie Tribute in Concert.

Updated: Jan 18, 2022

Aladdin Insane David Bowie Tribute, Aladdin Insane Tributo a David Bowie

We are part of the Roman Summer events. As usual, among the many meetings, joyful provocation, culture and entertainment going on stage at the Gay Village, there are also musical shows. On August 11, Ambra Mattioli and the Aladdin Insane David Bowie Tribute are there for the music and the memory of David Bowie, who passed away January 10th. We are honored and grateful for this stage, to be able to offer a dream to the audience, to those who already know his music and to those who still don't know him.

The most beautiful thing of the evening that I carry in my heart are the words of “Vladimir Luxuria”, the Artistic Director of the event, who, capturing the essence of our show, said at the end of the concert: “... yours is not a simple tribute , but a true act of love for Bowie.”

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  Ambra Mattioli Art Performer, Musician, Writer, Painter, Cabinetmaker Designer

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Aladdin Insane David Bowie Tribute
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