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  • Writer's pictureAmbra Mattioli

"Radio Elettrica". Claudia McDowell interviews Aladdin Insane.

Updated: Apr 23, 2021

Here we are again on the radio. We are at Radio Elettrica, interviewed by brilliant and friendly Claudia McDowell who is hosting us in her "Morning Shower" broadcast. Tommaso Tella and I are here to tell with a smile and irony the musical adventures of our band, Aladdin Insane, with an eye to the next show in Bordeaux (FR) where we will perform LIVE the full David Bowie album Blackstar.

Here is the link to the radio broadcast podcast. We are from the minute 57:01 up to 1:46:17

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  Ambra Mattioli Art Performer, Musician, Writer, Painter, Cabinetmaker Designer

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Aladdin Insane David Bowie Tribute
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