David Bowie is a music icon who has impressed his style, his changes, his experimentation, over the span of fifty years artistic career. However, most of people knows him above all for the songs that we have in our ears as the background of advertising campaigns of famous brands. Yet his songs have marked an era. You can just listen to "Space Oddity", to think of man's landing on the moon. To "Heroes", to relive the collapse of the Berlin Wall and grasp the meaning and hope of love despite everything. To "Starman", to dream of the stars and new possibilities. To "Let's Dance", to feel your feet move in the desire to dance. To "China Girl", to imagine sweet and strong complicity. To "Loving the Alien", to spread wings above indoctrinated minds. To "Changes", to reflect on the changes everyone face to change day by day. To "Ashes to Ashes", to caress the melancholy of fallen thoughts, and many, many others songs, up to his latest "Blackstar" masterpiece, a legacy to awaken men's consciences.
In addition to rock concerts with the full band, I carried out the project of making the audience listen to the beauty of David Bowie's music also in live Acoustic Sessions, with my voice, the piano and the choirs of Francesco Infarinato, the sax of Lorenzo Perracino and the narrating voice of our dear friend, actor and poet Claudio Germanò. It is a really challenge, to perform as usual for us exclusively live without recorded music, no loops or sequencer, but evenings of intimate narration come out: a Storytelling accompanying people in a journey with David Bowie between music and poetry.
We Aladdin Insane David Bowie Tribute are and want to be this too.
Here above are some photos and a couple of videos excerpt from the acoustic session of October 19 in that little gem that the Arciliuto Theater is. Its excellent acoustics was suitable to make the attentive and involved audience to listen to the beautiful music of David Bowie, sang in an unusual version.