January 8 is the day of David Bowie's birth. In the days around this date, cultural events, concerts, artistic performances were concentrated, in which fans celebrate him. However, January 10 is the day he passed away, and since 2016, the year in which it happened, different feelings and emotions have accumulated in those who have loved, and still love his music.
On the one hand, the desire to celebrate a brilliant icon of rock which in fifty years of career has been, with its music, the soundtrack of the life of many people.
On the other hand, for those who loved and followed him for many years, the sense of displeasure, of lack due to emptiness, to the absence of an artistic voice, which, however controversial, remains unique in the panorama of half a century between the second half of the nine-hundred and the first two decades of the 2000s.
January, ultimately, is a bit of a period of passion for those who love the White Duke.
We Aladdin Insane, as for ten years now, chosen to keep his memory alive, with a non-trivial show that could intrigue and excite those who, today young, have not had the opportunity to meet his art in previous years.
On January 11 2020, the “Lanificio 159”, the coolest venue in Rome, hosted us for our historic Bash dedicated to David Bowie, in which we paid homage to the Duke in a great chronological concert from the dawn of his brilliant career (1969), until fateful 2016, performing the most significant songs from each of his albums. It has been a long and demanding ladder, but stratospheric! An affectionate memory for an unforgettable Great Artist. At the end of the concert, thanking the audience who danced and sang with us up to the notes of his music, I said: " We paid homage to him with all the respect and humility possible. It was an immense artist, so any cover cannot be like the original, of course, but we do it with all our heart, an immense heart! "