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Amber's World

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The missing piece of the puzzle

I am Dr. Amber Matthews of the MB Laboratory in Woods Hole, Ma. Here beside me is my son Flavus M. Thornsen. We are the main characters of the story, but you will also meet the rest of the family, my husband Dr. Jason Thornsen and my other son Lucius. We live in the United States of America in late 21st century in a highly technologically advanced society and find ourselves unwillingly involved in something horrific and mysterious, beyond imagination...

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"Il Collezionista di Opportunità" (The Collector of Opportunities) is the second of the three books that -in the original text in italian tongue- compose the "La Trilogia di Amber". The English version: "Amber's World”, is instead composed by two books. "The missing piece of the puzzle" -the first one of them two- includes as Part 1: the entire text of "The Arcade" and, as Part 2: "The Collector of Opportunities" (respectively first and second book of the trilogy, in Italian language).

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The other face of God

It's the second book of “Amber's World”, but it can be read as a stand alone novel. “When was the last time we have walked with the Gods?” Humankind is doomed to extinction by a plague that has swept away all certainties and religious dogmas. New intelligent species, mysteriously appeared on Earth, have been welcomed with diffidence and hostility and accused of being the cause of humanity's fate. A doomsday scenario...

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  Ambra Mattioli Art Performer, Musician, Writer, Painter, Cabinetmaker Designer

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